Hello, RPG Community – As we approach the new year, we are thinking of how to reaffirm Mimic’s Market’s focus on tabletop roleplaying games and looking to the community for feedback on how we can better bring in activity for TTRPGs.
1.) First, we are seeking volunteers for recurring D&D games at the store: a weekly D&D ongoing campaign and/or a monthly or bi-monthly Beginner D&D game.
The weekly D&D game might include the Adventurers League format, be a series of one-shots, or a West-Marches style campaign that moderately experienced 5E players would feel free to drop in and out of. This could be a weekday or on the weekend depending on when GMs are available.
The monthly or bi-monthly Beginner D&D game would be geared towards new players with no direct experience of TTRPGs and take place on a weekend evening. If you are interested in conducting these sorts or games as a GM, please reach out to us! This could be a great opportunity for more experienced D&D players looking to expand into GM-ing.
2.) Next, these are our proposed changes to the Morsels program.
Our first year experimenting with a prizing system for TTRPG games has been a great success. Even though there were some sparse patches and games that couldn’t fire, we have seen a consistent interest in this program from both players and GMs. The goal for Morsels has been to get more GMs running more different games and for players to try new types of TTRPGs, and that has absolutely come true.
And still! There is room to improve and we want to tighten up our Morsels system even further to get more games firing.
Through 2024, player tickets to Morsel Games had cost $10 online and $12 in person day-of. (The online discount encourages players to commit in advance to help prepare the GM with turnout information). Players received two morsels and a $3 dollar concession token.
In 2025, we’re looking to cut the entry price of Morsels games to encourage more player turnout. To that end, we are omitting the concession token and giving players one Morsel at the end of the game. This will reduce player entry price to $5 Online and $7 in person.
GMs will receive one Morsel by default and one additional Morsel for every player above 2 players.
Now, players receive 1 morsel and a dated coupon that when redeemed within 1 week following the Morsels game, gives 5% off 1 RPG Book related to the game they played. IE if someone played in a Root TTRPG, the coupon would apply to any Powered By the Apocalypse Game.
While this means that players will have to play more games to get more morsels, we believe the cheaper price will encourage more people to try out games they might otherwise be hesitant to, and the discount will encourage people to purchase books for the games that resonated with them. As always, the core goal of the Morsels program is to encourage more people to play games in the store and to try out all sorts of RPGS.
Morsels Achievement Bingo will stay the course, with each 3-in-a-row awarding an additional Morsel.
3. We are also considering changing what form the Morsels themselves take – Currently, they are cut acrylic.

Because of the time and energy that it takes to get them cut out, they have a fairly static design. While we love the way they look, another idea is that Morsels will be miniature magnets.
Those that attended our first Ghouls Night in 2023, might recognize this design. If we swapped to this design, it would be easy for Jay to design new versions for special events and such. And while these magnets are black and white, the morsels version would most likely be in color. This is definitely less of a solid idea though, and we want to see what the community thinks.
In our discord server, under the TTRPG Forum section, we’ll have an ongoing forum soliciting feedback from our community to continue adjusting and updating the Morsels system and overall how Mimic’s can focus on and serve the TTRPG community!