Quest is a fantasy roleplaying game about the adventures of you and your friends. Together, you’ll create amazing characters and tell their stories. The game helps you tell an exciting story in a world of magic and danger. The rules of the game help you create a story that’s totally unique. No two games are the same, and the possibilities are endless.
You can play Quest just once, or a few times, with groups of any size. You don’t have to make a long-term commitment to play. But for groups that want to tell an epic story over months or years, Quest is deep enough to let your character learn and grow over time.
-via The Adventure Guild
Quest is a perfectly accessible and flexible game for anyone. Its phenomenal and simple character-building framework and play guidance resources make it a smooth and digestible time for beginners and a comfortable, effortless romp for more experienced role-players. If you and your friends are fresh to roleplaying games and you were chosen as the Game Master – START HERE!
Quest is a Library Exclusive until we get some copies in stock from their next print run.
Mimic’s Crunchyness Rating: 10% – free-form, conversational, loosy-goosy