Lancer imagines a future where a survivor humanity has spread to the stars after weathering terrible ecological collapse on Earth – the end of the Anthropocene as a consequence of unrestrained consumption and poor stewardship. Thousands of years later, humanity lives in the wake of a desperate revolution, one where the victorious radicals now manage the galaxy they’ve won.
The setting features a mix of gritty, mud-and-lasers military science fiction and mythic science fantasy, where conscript pilots mix ranks with flying aces, mercenary guns-for-hire brawl with secretive corpro-state agents, and relativistic paladins cross thermal lances with causality-breaking, unknowable beings. Lancer‘s galaxy is one where utopia exists, but is under threat, and the struggle is not yet entirely won; the revolution is not yet done.
In Lancer, players adopt the roles of mechanized chassis pilots – mech pilots – comrades together in a galaxy of danger and hope. Some groups will fight to rectify the crimes of previous administrations; others will fight for their nation, pieces in a greater game of hegemony. Others will carry the banner of a corpro-state or mercenary company, working to advance private interests while lining their pockets. Others still will fight for groups acting in opposition to those in power – for the underground, for the forgotten, agents of entropy and agents of yet more radical revolutions.
Lancer offers deep, modular mech customization, a wide range of player backgrounds and hooks to prompt storytelling, and a system and setting with room for any narrative you and your group want to tell. It’s best with a group of 3-5 players, and can be used to run a one-shot session or persistent campaign.
-via Massif Press
We love Lancer at Mimic’s. Fans of bizarre but distinctly human far-future settings, crunchy tactical combat and building out custom mechs will find in Lancer an immensely dense and rich game you can chew on for decades. Tons of community-created adventure modules, settings and encounters. Plus we are gaga for the art direction.
For the time being the physical copy of Lancer is a Library Exclusive, but we’re excited to catch some copies for sale from their next printing run.
Mimic’s Crunchyness Rating: 90%, BIG CRUNCH