You’ve asked for it, and now they’re here! We are happy to say that starting this Valentines Day, Mimics Market is introducing Singles to our Magic the Gathering offerings! This is obviously new for us, so here is a small FAQ about what you need to know before coming in. Our Magic community has been very good to us since we opened in August of 2023, and we want to offer singles as another way to support this community.
Q: I have cards I want to sell you! What will I get for selling to you?
A: Mimics Market will be buying only in store credit. We will NOT be buying cards for cash, as we are trying to provide a service for those we already come to Mimics, and not just another place to sell cards. We will happily point folks to other card shops in town if you are looking for cash.
Q: I have Pokemon/Yugioh/Flesh and Blood/Etc that I want to sell you!
A: Mimics will not be buying anything other than Magic the Gathering cards right now, and for the foreseeable future. We will evaluate whether expanding singles makes sense, but right now the answer is a firm no.
Q: How do you price cards when you’re buying?
A: We will be buying cards from new sets at a lower rate, giving prices a chance to stabilize and decreasing our risk. Older cards with more stable prices will be bought at a higher rate. We will happily explain how we value each card at time of trade.
Q: Will you all be buying bulk? What about the free card bins?
A: We will not be buying bulk, and we will never get rid of the free card bins, as we believe these are core to who we are as an FLGS. Donations of bulk are still welcome and nothing ever donated to the free card bins will ever be taken and put on sale. Also, we are still aiming to do more cards for comrades events going forward.
Q: I have a LOT of cards I want to sell you, but wouldn’t consider it bulk, is that okay?
A: Sure! We don’t mind flipping through stuff, but large collections will need to be looked through over time, and that might require leaving cards overnight, or coming back on a day where our Magic expert is in.
Q: Are there set buying hours/days?
A: Our Magic specialist will be in from Sunday to Wednesday, but any of us will be able to look up and run through a small trade-in pretty easily. We do ask that you all try to avoid handing us cards within an hour of closing, unless you are okay with leaving cards with us overnight.
Q: I want to buy cards! How will you be pricing cards for sale?
A: We will be pricing cards off the median sale price on TCGplayer. So when selling, we will grab a laptop, price each card, and get a total together. This will take a few minutes, so we will appreciate patience while doing singles transactions, especially if the store is busy
Q: Do you all have a TCG player portal where I can see your stock?
A: Not at this moment. As we plan on only doing in-store singles, we are not hooked directly into TCG player, but we may expand singles further in the future.
Q: “X Shop has X for a different price than you”
A: All card shops have different methods for how they price cards, and we will be sticking with TCGplayer median prices.
Q: I have a card in poor condition, but it is still playable, would you want to buy it?
A: Instances like this will be handled on a case by case basis, and we of course always reserve the ability to refuse cards.
Q: I want to send you cards by mail, or have you all ship me cards!
A: We are only buying and doing sales in person, and will not be shipping anything, or accepting cards by mail.