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Border Riding (Morsels RPG)
This is a GM-less map drawing game. You'll collaboratively draw maps on blank pieces of paper for a community that you will invent with your friends, recording its landmarks, its boundary, who the community thinks of as "Us", and which neighbors the community thinks of as "Them".
Players take it in turn to lead each round, introducing events for the community to resolve. A new map is drawn with each round, laid over a growing stack of maps as the game progress. Years pass with each round, and your community will face challenges across multiple evolving storylines.
At the end of the game, your community will have grown over generations. Border Riding explores how arbitrary borders can create real long-lasting divisions between communities, and how petty village rivalries can turn into full blown conflicts. By following these communities and their border rituals over time, you will also explore how, in seeking safety from perceived threats, communities can vilify and warmly welcome those that fall outside of a drawn border.
GM: Andrew @Andrew! on Discord
This game is part of our Mimic's Morsels program! Entry for players is $7 (or $5 for preregistering here) and players receive Morsels tokens to collect and exchange for prizes and discounts. For more information and to schedule your own Morsels game as a GM and earn prizes for running games, see our Morsels Page - www.mimicsmarket.com/morsels