
Quest is a fantasy roleplaying game about the adventures of you and your friends. Together, you’ll create amazing characters and tell their stories. The game helps you tell an exciting story in a world of magic and danger. The rules of the game help you create a story that’s totally unique. No two games are the same, and the possibilities are endless. You can play Quest just once, or a few times, with groups of any size. You don’t have to make a long-term commitment to play. But for groups that want to tell an epic story over months or years, Quest is deep enough to let your character learn and grow over time. -via The Adventure Guild Quest is a perfectly accessible and flexible game for anyone. Its phenomenal and simple character-building framework and play guidance resources make it a smooth and digestible time for beginners and a comfortable, effortless romp for more experienced role-players. If you and your friends are fresh to roleplaying games and you were chosen as the Game Master – START HERE! Quest is a Library Exclusive until we get some copies in stock from their next print run. Mimic’s Crunchyness Rating: 10% – free-form, conversational, loosy-goosy

In the oldest times, the world was ruled by dragons and demons. They were the primordial forces through which the world and its primeval matter was formed. They were opposing principles that made the world complete. Law and order versus chaos and madness. Dragons versus demons. Dragonbane is a classic fantasy tabletop roleplaying game full of magic, mystery, and adventure. It is designed from the ground up to facilitate fast and furious play, with very little prep time and adventures that are a breeze to run. Dragonbane is a game with room for laughs at the table, while still offering brutal challenges for the adventurers. -via Free League We have the full Starter Set in the Library! Play with the full compliment of maps, cards, standee minis, and pre-made characters. Or just take the books and make your own stuff! Mimic’s Crunchyness Rating: 40% Plenty of rolling, nothing too complex.

Lancer imagines a future where a survivor humanity has spread to the stars after weathering terrible ecological collapse on Earth – the end of the Anthropocene as a consequence of unrestrained consumption and poor stewardship. Thousands of years later, humanity lives in the wake of a desperate revolution, one where the victorious radicals now manage the galaxy they’ve won. The setting features a mix of gritty, mud-and-lasers military science fiction and mythic science fantasy, where conscript pilots mix ranks with flying aces, mercenary guns-for-hire brawl with secretive corpro-state agents, and relativistic paladins cross thermal lances with causality-breaking, unknowable beings. Lancer‘s galaxy is one where utopia exists, but is under threat, and the struggle is not yet entirely won; the revolution is not yet done. In Lancer, players adopt the roles of mechanized chassis pilots – mech pilots – comrades together in a galaxy of danger and hope. Some groups will fight to rectify the crimes of previous administrations; others will fight for their nation, pieces in a greater game of hegemony. Others will carry the banner of a corpro-state or mercenary company, working to advance private interests while lining their pockets. Others still will fight for groups acting in opposition to those in power – for the underground, for the forgotten, agents of entropy and agents of yet more radical revolutions. Lancer offers deep, modular mech customization, a wide range of player backgrounds and hooks to prompt storytelling, and a system and setting with room for any narrative you and your group want to tell. It’s best with a group of 3-5 players, and can be used to run a one-shot session or persistent campaign. -via Massif Press We love Lancer at Mimic’s. Fans of bizarre but distinctly human far-future settings, crunchy tactical combat and building out custom mechs will find in Lancer an immensely dense and rich game you can chew on for decades. Tons of community-created adventure modules, settings and encounters. Plus we are gaga for the art direction. For the time being the physical copy of Lancer is a Library Exclusive, but we’re excited to catch some copies for sale from their next printing run. Mimic’s Crunchyness Rating: 90%, BIG CRUNCH